How Wendi Did It: The Story of Family Off Track


Wendi Ezgur, CEO of Leadhead, brought brainstorming and ideation to a whole new level when she dreamed up a way to take her family “off track”, and set off on an RV adventure across the country...complete with sponsors! Imagine having GEICO and other companies pay you to travel with your family? The trip was formed around an ephiphany Wendi had in the midst of a tough challenge, which she summed up this way:

“The moment it looks as though all is lost is the precise moment you have nothing to lose.”

In this video Wendi shares how she turned what could have been an unfortunate situation into an incredible opportunity.  There is a big message in Wendi’s story for all us entrepreneurs out there. From a chance event Wendi generated 15,000 followers on her journey. You have to see this to believe it. This reminds me of tough situations from the founders in How They Did It - like Rock Mackie having to lay off all of his employees at the point of company launch!

Enough background - please take a look and I’d love to hear your thoughts after you see this interview. Have a good story to share? How did you turn something around when all seemed lost?
