How to Pitch Motorola VC


Motorola started a venture capital program in 1999 and since has invested over $500 Million in 175 different companies. As one of the most active investors out there, Motorola Solutions Venture Capital Group has had companies in its portfolio with resulting IPOs and even acquisitions. Some recent investments include Cleversafe, ViVOtech and Canvas. Surprisingly, out of the 175 companies invested in, Motorola has only acquired four.

In this interview with Reese Schroeder, Managing Director of Motorola Solutions Venture Capital, Reese shares Motorola Solutions' thesis on investing. It’s not a try before you buy model, but rather looking for companies with a strategic fit. With a constant pipeline (the team is currently looking at around 1,000 opportunities), hear what Motorola Solutions is looking for. Reese spells out exactly how he wants to be pitched and shares where he sees entrepreneurs mess up when they walk in his door.

(Recorded in the Fall of 2011)