What’s Your Entrepreneurial DNA?


I just heard about something brilliant. It is a quick test for entrepreneurs. Not all of us are wired the same, but what does that mean for the type of business you should run, how you should run it and who’s on the team?

Joe Abraham spent three years developing BOSI based on answers from thousands of entrepreneurs. BOSI (Builder/Opportunist/Specialist/Innovator) segments entrepreneurs into four groups. The BOSI Assessment is a tool that lets you figure out your type, your  predisposed strengths, weaknesses and best practices.

Are you a Specialist, Builder, Opportunist or Innovator? The test is free. Email me your results and I’ll share mine with you. My thought is this could help me structure my team and figure out how better to partner with other company founders…

Click here to take the BOSI Assessment

Entrepreneurship, Soapbox